Cloud Backup

In The Era of Remote Work, The Cloud is The New “Paperless”

: #cloud , cloud backup , filebako , paperless , remote work

By blog Oct 07 2020

2020 has been an exceptional year for companies to implement remote work in reaction to the Novel Coronavirus pandemic. In such a dynamic time, one issue that has emerged in the promotion of a “paperless” workforce.
More than 80% of companies still rely on paper to manage documentation
In this article, we will explore the current state of the paperless office based on a recent Adobe survey※1 of 500 corporate administrative personnel.
According to the survey, 83.8% of companies currently use paper for internal document management. Looking at the breakdown of these figures, 10.6% of companies use paper to manage all documentation, 25.2% of companies use paper to manage almost all, and 48.0% of companies are half paper and half digital. The reality is that while many companies have introduced digitalization in one form or another, they have yet to make a complete transition.
The survey also revealed that the digitalization of the document approval process still has some way to go. When asked if a document needs to be printed on paper when being approved by multiple people, a total of 67.4% of the companies responded "frequently" or "sometimes.” This indicates that there are still many companies that rely on paper documents when approval is necessary.
In the era of remote work, paperless is the new norm!
However, this reliance on paper will have to change gradually. Now that the Novel Coronavirus pandemic has increased the amount of remote work, it is becoming more and more inefficient to use paper documents as a means to exchange information.
In fact, there are a variety of initiatives being actively pursued by companies, such as the increasing use of electronic stamping. In the future, going paperless will be the key to business success.
The cloud is the perfect place to go paperless
For going paperless and implementing remote work, the cloud is the perfect solution. For example, the “Tsukaeru Filebako” cloud service provides the following:
・Access to document (files) from home or on the go
・File sharing within the company with no need for email attachments
・File storage on Tsukaeru Filebako’s secure cloud server, which also functions as backup
・File access and viewing on smartphones as well as computers
・Instant document sharing with business partners (password protected for security)
As your first step in going paperless, try the simple-to-use and affordable Tsukaeru Filebako cloud service!
Click here for details on Tsukaeru Filebako cloud service
Contact us at Tsukaeru
※1 Adobe Releases Survey on Internal Data Preparedness and Management:
20% of employees do not back up their internal data
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