Cloud Storage

Share Files On the Go With Cloud-Connected Mobile Apps!

: #App , #cloud , #cloudstorage , #Mobile

By blog Dec 08 2021


With the infection rates of COVID-19 seemingly settling down, the expectation is that more and more people will start to go on sales and business trips again, slowly returning to their pre-pandemic business lives. However, when traveling, there are times when you cannot pull out your laptop to access the information you need. This is where smartphones come in handy.

With the proliferation of cloud-based file sharing and increasingly powerful mobile devices, it is becoming possible to handle more and more complicated tasks on the go. However, many people are reluctant to do so due to security concerns.

In our most recent blog, we will look at the current status of smartphone usage for doing business and discuss the benefits of working with cloud-based mobile applications.


Do you use your own smartphone for work?

Penetration rate of smartphones for business use

According to a survey of company employees in Japan conducted in 2017, while laptops were often provided by their companies, there were few instances where smartphones were also provided. In the majority of cases where smartphones are used for business purposes, employees use their own personal devices for work, a concept called “BYOD” (Bring Your Own Device).

In Japan, many people have security concerns with BYOD in a work context. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies had no choice when switching to remote work. Already dealing with the initial cost of providing laptops, these companies were unable or unwilling to provide smartphones in addition. Another concern was requiring employees to juggle two mobile devices at the same time: one for personal use and one for business.

For these reasons, BYOD is being adopted overseas more so than in Japan and has led to improved productivity and services. For example, Wal-Mart, the largest supermarket chain in the U.S., introduced BYOD in October 2018. By downloading a dedicated app to their smartphones, employees can report to work, manage their schedules, and search for products using a voice assistant, leading to improved work efficiency.

Improved work efficiency with smartphones


Improved work efficiency with smartphones

Takafumi Horie, the Japanese entrepreneur who founded Livedoor, says, “I don’t need a computer anymore. I can work and earn money wherever I am with my smartphone.” He does everything from contacting people to writing manuscripts using only his smartphone. Of course, not everyone can earn as much as he does, but with the rapid development of digital technology and communication systems, it is becoming possible to work with restrictions based on time and space. The number and type of tasks that can now be completed with mobile devices have increased dramatically over the years, and in particular, cloud-based file-sharing services have made it possible to easily access and exchange large amounts of data, something which is difficult to do with email.


Best file sharing solutions for businesses

While it is possible for nomadic workers to work from their smartphones, there are still many hurdles for companies to overcome when implementing such systems. Considering the security risks involved, it is easy to understand why companies are cautious about adopting cloud-based file-sharing services.

Cloud-based file sharing service usage

According to the 2021 White Paper on Information and Communications by the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, 68.7% of companies in Japan used cloud services in 2020, up four percentage points from 64.7% in 2019. Between 2016 and 2020, up to 70% of companies have started using cloud services, indicating that corporate awareness of cloud services has changed significantly.

Key points for corporate cloud use


Key points for corporate cloud use

According to the above white paper, 87.1% of the companies that use cloud services reported that it was “very effective” or “effective to some extent,” indicating that they could see the benefits regardless of concerns about security or other issues.

So, how did the companies use cloud services? In looking at the results, it can be seen that “File storage/data sharing” was the most popular at 59.4%, followed by “Email” (50.3%), and “Internal information sharing/portal” (44.8%). More advanced usage functions, such as “Sale support” (17.6%), “Production management” (10.2%), and “Billing and payment systems” (8.0%) remained at low levels. In other words, the results show that Japanese companies are actively exploring how they can improve their business efficiency with cloud-based tools such as file-sharing.


Tsukaeru FileBako for mobile use

While there are many cloud-based file-sharing services, Tuskaeru FileBako from is a popular choice of many small- and medium-sized companies because of its ease of use and low implementation cost. In addition, the ability to use the service on mobile devices is an attractive benefit for those companies engaged in remote work and similar activities.

Download the mobile app

With the RushFiles app, available both on the Apple Store and Google Play, users can log in and immediately start using Tsukaeru FileBako on their smartphones and mobile devices.

Tsukaeru FileBako for mobile use


Easy syncing and file sharing with your smartphones

When you’re on the road and need to quickly share files or check their contents, your smartphone can be your best option. For the same price, there is no limit to the number of users, whether 100 or 1,000, and no additional costs if the number needs to increase. With a default capacity of 1 TB, the monthly price starts at 10,780 JPY (tax included, three-year contract).

To experience the benefits of cloud-based file sharing on smartphones and mobile devices,  please contact us below for a free trial of’s Tsukaeru FileBako service.

Click here to learn more about Tsukaeru FileBako.

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