With this in mind, what points should you keep in mind when considering web hosting security measures? To help you make the right decisions, we will introduce five carefully selected, important functions and elements regarding web hosting security.
1. Backup and Restore
The first important point about web hosting security measures is whether you can backup your site. With a secure backup, you can restore your data immediately in the event of an emergency, minimizing damage to your business. This is an effective strategy not only for cyber attack countermeasures, but also for data loss due to misoperation or misconfiguration.
2. SSL Compatible
The use of SSL starting with “https” instead of the usual “http” is becoming more common. Most web browsers already display a warning message when users visit http sites. SSL is no longer optional; it has become essential. Be sure to check whether SSL support is available, especially if you are operating an e-commerce site.
3 Tsukaeru SSL certificates with reliable support
3. WAF
WAF (Web Application Firewall) systems monitor website access status and automatically block malicious access. User access to the website is only allowed after it is determined to be secure and reliable, protecting against hacking, web tampering, and DDoS attacks. Cloud-based WAF “Tsukaeru Waffle” features an amazing low price and user-friendly operability, making it easy to introduce advanced web attack blocking services.
Tsukaeru Waffle - click for details
4. Email Security
In many cases, email systems are operated using web hosting services. However, this is still the most popular intrusion path for cyber attacks. Therefore, email-specific security measures, such as filtering, are essential. If you are not currently using one, please consider our Tsukaeru MailBuster with a 100% virus kill rate and 99.98% spam kill rate.
Tsukaeru MailBuster - click for details
5. Full Support System
Regarding web hosting security measures, it is vital to have a support system in place that can respond immediately to unexpected situations or troubles. With Tsukaeru, our experienced support staff always respond promptly and professionally. In addition, our complete maintenance system and dedicated technical staff are monitoring the system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you are looking for a safe and secure web hosting service, we recommend our Tsukaeru server!
A new look! WordPress hosting
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