Cloud Backup

Pros and Cons of Cloud Backup and the Companies Best Suited For It

: #backup , #cloud , #security

By blog Jun 08 2022


According to the results of a survey released in March 2022, the domestic public cloud service market in 2021 was 1.5879 trillion JPY, up 28.5% from the previous year. Even more remarkable is that the market is expected to grow to 3.7586 trillion JPY by 2026, approximately 2.4 times the 2021 level.

One reason for this incredible growth is that many companies are shifting their backup storage operations to the cloud. However, that does not mean everything is safe. Companies need to understand the risks and disadvantages, as well as the benefits, of cloud backup in order to be prepared for whatever the future holds.

In this article, we will focus on the disadvantages of cloud backup and explain which companies are suited for cloud backup and which are not.


What are the disadvantages of cloud backup?

While cloud storage has a number of benefits - a reduced need for onsite hard drives and greater storage capacity among others, there are also some disadvantages. These include the following:

Running Costs

Cloud backup can reduce operation and maintenance costs, particularly when it comes to initial setup costs, staff time, and construction. 

However, cloud backup has a fixed monthly cost, and depending on the services that are best for your operation, this can be high. 

Operations and Security are the Provider’s Responsibility

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' White Paper on Information and Communications (2020 edition), the second most common reason for companies not using the cloud is "security concerns," accounting for exactly 31.8% of the total.

Although all cloud services emphasize the high level of security offered, they cannot completely eliminate concerns about risks such as information leaks because companies are entrusting their most important asset, their data, to outside service providers.

When considering cloud backup, it is pivotal that users review and confirm specific points referred to as the "Major Information Security Measures to be Taken by Cloud Service Providers" provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Key Information Security Measures


Speed and Data Transfer Volume

Since cloud backup involves storing data via the Internet, backup and restoration operations can take time depending on the data volume. In addition, since a large amount of data is transferred to a remote backup center, there are concerns about slow Internet connections, communication failures, etc. It may be necessary to set backup schedules outside of business hours, delete duplicate data, and other procedures to avoid complications for other areas of the business.

Stable Internet is Essential

Cloud backup requires that a copy of the data be securely stored on a remote, networked computing resource, so a stable Internet environment is essential. In comparison, a hard disk drive or external hard drive backup does not have that issue. 

Stable Internet is Essential


Why do we need cloud backup?

Despite these disadvantages, cloud backup is still integral to implement for two basic reasons: disaster preparedness and ransomware protection.

In a disaster-prone country like Japan, any company can suffer damage from a typhoon, earthquake, or other disaster and lose valuable data at any time and in any form. The servers used for cloud backup are generally located in data centers that are structurally designed to be earthquake- and fire-resistant and immune to power outages. That means that even if the office becomes unusable or inaccessible for some reason, data can be restored and business can continue as long as there is an Internet connection.

Even in the event of an attack, such as the encryption of critical data by ransomware, it is possible to protect the encrypted data by backing up the data to the cloud.

All of this makes cloud backup an effective means of crisis management.

Why do we need cloud backup?


What companies are suited for cloud backup?

Given the above requirements, cloud backup is particularly suited for companies whose data is essential to their business. DX (Digital Transformation) is currently being promoted in the Japanese business scene, and cloud backup is crucial for companies that are trying to create new value by making full use of digital technology.


What companies are not suitable for cloud backup?

For companies that already have an on-premise backup system in place and do not expect the amount of data to increase in the future, the benefits of cloud backup may not be significant. Nevertheless, even these companies should still consider this option when thinking about disaster management and the risk of cyber-attacks.

What companies are suited for cloud backup?


Cloud Backup Useful in a Variety of Situations

Tsukaeru Cloud Backup provided by is more than just a backup service. It also combines functions for protecting and using data in a single package.

As image backups are used instead of file backups, even if data is lost, it can be restored at high speed and business can get back to normal immediately.

In addition, different devices in the company can be centrally managed from an administrator account. Settings can be changed remotely, saving both time and money.


Cloud Backup Essential Component of Company Stability and Reliability

Tsukaeru Cloud Backup uses the highest level of security, which is also used by the U.S. military. All file transfers are protected with AES-256, including server-side encryption. Active Protection, an AI-based technology that shields data from ransomware attacks, instantly detects and intercepts suspicious modifications to protect data.

Tsukaeru Cloud Backup is the most powerful solution to cope with disasters and cyber attacks, both of which are increasing in frequency and intensity in recent years. Priced from 1,628 JPY per month (including tax), customers can choose from a variety of plans according to usage and capacity.

Please apply for a free trial to see how our service can meet your needs.

Click here to learn more about Tsukaeru Cloud Backup.

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