Cloud Backup

Solving the “Remote Work Isn’t Working!” Problem with Cloud Storage Possibilities

: cloud backup , coronavirus , covid-19 , filebako , remote work , tsukaeru filebako

By blog Dec 09 2020

As the COVID-19 crisis drags on, many companies are continuing to rely on remote work more and more. While it is becoming more and more popular as it can lead to a better work-life balance, recently, "remote work fatigue" is becoming a common problem.
Remote work productivity: Japan is the worst!
Last month (November 2020), Oracle released an interesting study (*1) on the state of remote work around the world in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the survey, the rapid growth of remote work and the reduction of commute times has increased the number of hours worked in many countries. However, the opposite is true in Japan, where 34% of respondents said that their work hours have decreased (21% increased).
In addition, 46% of Japanese respondents said that the COVID-19 pandemic caused a decrease in productivity, significantly higher than the 15% who reported an increase in productivity. This is in stark contrast to the majority of people in most other countries who say their productivity has increased.
The power of technology to improve remote work operational efficiency
Various factors have been identified for the slow increase in remote work productivity in Japan, such as the need for experts in the subject matter to work closely together or the difficulty in creating environments in the family home that allow for concentration on work matters.
Technology, especially the cloud, is gaining attention as a means of improving remote work efficiency as of late. In fact, this prolonged remote work period has led to a rapid increase in the introduction of cloud storage and business communication tools that are ideal for remote collaboration in Japan.
Tsukaeru FileBako is ideal for remote work collaboration
Tsukaeru FileBako is the perfect solution for improving productivity and collaboration in remote work. Files are stored on a cloud server rather than in a local environment, making them accessible anytime, anywhere, and from any device, all with industry-leading security. Internal file transfers can be completed in seconds, without the need for email attachments.
For more information on the features and benefits of Tsukaeru FileBako, please check out the service details page below. We're also currently running a 30% off offer until December 22, 2020, so feel free to contact us!
Click here for more information on the Tsukaeru FileBako service.
Click here for details of the Tsukaeru FileBako 30% off campaign (until December 22, 2020)
Tsukaeru will also be hosting a free webinar on December 10 and 11, 2020, a must-attend event for anyone considering implementing cloud services. This webinar will also include case studies of Tsukaeru FileBako, so please join us if you are interested.
Click here for more information and to register for the free webinar!
Contact us at Tsukaeru
(*1) : “AI@Work” survey - Oracle Japan
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